Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain has many causes. As with most medical problems it is necessary to rule out serious causes of lower back pain before starting treatment. We do this by completing a complete history and examination prior to starting treatment. This helps us determine if conservative management of your lower back pain is right for you.

Lower back pain is the bread-and-butter of Chiropractic Treatment.

We see many people every day who have lower back pain. We use a multimodal approach to managing lower back pain to achieve relief from pain. Our manual therapies aim to restore complete, easy and pain free range of movement. We use a type of soft tissue therapy aimed at breaking down fibrous adhesions that can cause lower back pain, tightness, stiffness and reduced range of motion. We also use chiropractic adjustments where necessary, when safe and when preferred. The type of adjustments we use in this clinic are manual and are often accompanied by a ‘pop’ sound.

We do not use special tables or clicker devices.

It is important to have discussions about your daily life to identify hazardous environmental factors that are impacting your lower back and may be a source of the pain.

An often overlooked but very important part of lower back pain management is Activity Modification, Load Management and Ergonomic Assessment. Part of our standard assessment and work up includes a discussion of these topics.