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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Parking is exceptionally convenient. 3 Bays are located curbside and there is unlimited free parking across the road at Melville Plaza.
The industry norm is between 5-10 minutes, however our standard appointments are 15 minutes. Of a typical visit we will be treating your problems for 10 minutes of that time. The remainder of the time spent is split between note taking and history/follow up discussion.
No. If you do not like manual adjustments we have several alternatives that we can use to get the job done. If you would prefer we do not work on an area of the spine at all then we can accomodate that too.
Yes! Many of our patients come to us with problems related to pain/numbness/pins and needles in their arms and legs. In most cases we can help with these problems. If we can't help we'll direct you to a professional who can.
Yes! Much of the treatments I use every day are geared towards sports injuries. Unlike some Chiropractors Soft Tissue Therapies are an integral part of our treatment model.
Our Chiropractor has taken advanced training in management of soft tissue and sports injuries. -
Sometimes, yes, some specific treatments can be uncomfortable. We always do our best to minimise pain and discomfort during and after treatment. Our goal is to provide maximum sustained relief from your problem with minimum discomfort. Ideally the only discomfort you would experience would be that “hurts-so-good” feeling that often accompanies effective treatment.
In brief adhesions in the musculoskeletal system (think: bones/joints/muscles) form in response to repetitive strain or acute trauma. They are bands of fibrous scar tissue that join two surfaces that are not normally connected. Read more about adhesions.
It’s your choice. Once you’re happy with your progress and are confident that you can manage on your own, we will accomodate that. If you feel that you would benefit from regular or semi regular check ups to make corrections as necessary, then you can do that too.
Have a different question? Email us at: southsidespinesport@gmail.com
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