Bulletproof Knees and Fall Resistant Ankles

Most functional pain issues that come through my clinic are because of inflexibility and weakness. Manny modern problems in western cultures are caused by existing within a narrow functional range. We live in a space between Standing, Sitting in chairs, laying on elevated surfaces (bed). This is okay if you never have to get down and up off the ground or pick things up off the ground. is also the most common activity that flares up back and lower limb problems in my office. The number one key to preventing lower back issues is to develop strong legs.

Recently I was asked what I thought of a YouTube Channel called The KneesOverToesGuy by a patient. He found he channel because he had long term knee pain and started doing some of his exercises and was feeling improvements. He wanted to know if it was legit and okay to continue following.


The brief answer is that it’s good information and safe for most people. If you have any concerns about following any of that content fire me off an email and I can tailor it to you. You can reach me at russell@southsidespineandsport.com.au.


For even my fittest patients, strength through the full range of movement is a challenge. Any time you are asked to step outside of that narrow range to perform a task, light or heavy, you are putting your spine at risk of flaring up.

The solution is strength and flexibility through the full range of movement in the hips, knees and ankles. For this article we will discuss the 3 starting exercises that you can begin with safely.

  1. Tib Raises

  2. Single Leg Hamstring Bridges

  3. Clam Shells

All these exercises are performed slowly at a 2-seconds up, 2-seconds down cadence. No pauses, just constant slow movement. 15 repetitions, 1-2 times per day for 30 days.

These exercises are purposely simple to make them accessible for everyone at anytime. If you think you are intermediate or need more advanced exercises, try these at home first. Send me a message if they’re still too easy and I can progress you.

Tib Raises are super important for safely decelerating forward momentum and are hugely important if you want to prevent falls in the elderly, play contact sport (cutting and changing direction) or increase you vertical jump. (PICTURE) Stand with your heels together, back facing and your heels 30-40cm away from the way. Lean against the wall. With toes relaxed lift your feet up (dorsiflex the ankle). Then slowly lower them down. To make the exercise harder simply move your feet further forward.

Start Position For Tib Raise
Tib Raise Finish Position

Hamstring Bridges are so much more important for hip, knee and lower back health and could justify an entire article written about them. Needless to say, they matter a lot and if you only do one exercise per day. Do this one. Laying on the ground, put your feet up on a bench or chair that is stable and wont move. Lift one foot so that it hovers just about the bench/chair. Press with the other foot, down to elevate your hips until they’re straight. At first you may not be even able to reach full range of movement, that is okay. Lift as high as you can, briefly hold then return down slowly.

Single Leg Hamstring Bridge Finish Position


Clam Shells train the Gluteus Medius, a powerful and often overlooked hip stabilizer. Lay on your side, hips stacked on top of each other, knees together, ankles together. Without rolling your torso and with your ankles still in contact, lift the top knee. Slowly lower it back down until your knees are in light contact.

Clam shell exercise start position
Clam Shell Exercise

The strength benefits of these exercises will be felt within a week or two. However, performing these three exercises daily for a month it is ideal. If you have been struggling with on again, off again lower back pain or if getting up and down off of the ground is difficult, then give these exercises a try. The results with impress you.

As always, if you have any questions fire me an email.






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